
This organization is run entirely by volunteers. Some of our team dedicate a few days during State Week and others donate hours a day, every day, year round. Whatever your availability, if you believe in higher education, women’s empowerment, and community stewardship, then you have found the right place to spend your free time. If you think this is a good fit, take a look through the volunteer opportunities below.

State Volunteers

The Miss New York Scholarship Competition needs volunteers for year-round and State-Week positions. We are looking for people with experience or familiarity with the Miss America Organization who are able to work both behind the scenes and in the public eye. If you are related to an active delegate on the Empire Star, Teen, or Miss Level, you will not be able to work as part of the State Team while they are competing. Availability to assist for the week leading up to and including the State Competition (Typically in late May/early June) is required, though in-person attendance may not be necessary depending on the role. Many of the State-Week roles (lobby assistance, chaperone, etc) do not require years of experience with the organization – only a familiarity with the program and a compassionate approach to working with others.

Local Volunteers

We do not have enough local organizations to spread the mission of the Miss New York Organization and to make the benefits of this program accessible across the state. We are always searching for local leaders who see the advantages of this organization and the potential in young women in their area. Local Directors hold their own local competition and crown winners who will represent  their communities at the State Competition. If you would like to start your own local, look through the new local quick-guide and fill out the franchise request below. If you would like to join a local team, rather than lead on yourself, please see our directory of local programs to find one close to you.


Our local and state programs both need qualified judges to select the representatives for their respective programs. If you believe you have a discerning eye for talent, intelligence, and community activism then volunteer to judge one of our competitions. Who knows, you could be responsible for helping crown the next Miss America! You only need to register as a potential judge once. Judges for a local organization must not be affiliated with a local New York delegate or New York Local organization in any way and are subject to State Board approval. Judges for the State Competition undergo a rigorous selection process, must not be affiliated with any active candidates in any state and cannot be affiliated with any New York local program in any way. State Competition judges are subject to Miss America approval.