Miss New York 2024

University of Alabama  |  Bachelors of Arts in Musical Theatre; Minor in Political Science
New York University  |  Masters of Business Administration


Service Initiative
Read Lead Succeed

Abigail Quammen

My journey in the Miss America Opportunity began just under ten years ago, and I’ve been changed for the better ever since. As a fourteen year old girl with wavering confidence and a desire for consistency in her life, I craved something that would provide me with a purpose. The Miss America Opportunity was that purpose. I would go on to win the title of Miss Kentucky’s Teen 2017 and attend The University of Alabama on the Miss America’s Teen Presidential Scholarship as a Musical Theatre major. At UA, I was surrounded by fellow Miss America titleholders that became life-long friends, I performed on stages I once had only dreamt of, and I developed into a confident, strong, determined, woman that knew she didn’t need a crown to make a difference.

As Miss New York, my mission is to narrow the literacy gap by empowering kids to read and providing them with resources to do so. I’ve been developing my community service initiative, Read → Lead → Succeed, for the majority of the ten years I’ve been a part of the Miss America Opportunity. When I was 12, my family lost our home, and during this period of extreme fear, the one constant that kept me afloat was reading. I read cookbooks, my grandmother’s sewing books, fiction, non-fiction, and whatever else was on our bookshelves at the time. As a lifelong champion of a child’s right to read, I am living proof that reading is the key to unlocking your full potential, leading your life in the direction of your dreams, and securing the success you deserve. I currently run after-school programs throughout title one public schools, surrounding kids with a literacy-rich environment and early reading skills so they can ace their reading tests and live the lives of their dreams. I’m a one-on-one tutor through Reading Partners, a children’s literacy non-profit focused on children 6+ months behind in reading level, and I have run a nationwide social media reading challenge called Book Buddies that allows kids to pick a buddy, pick a book, and summarize the story together, providing them with comprehension and conflict resolution skills.

When I’m not advocating for a child’s right to read, I’m a career fundraiser and Master of Business Administration candidate at New York University. As a fundraiser, I’m a human connector, maintaining relationships and building new ones with individuals that have a desire to leave behind a lasting legacy by donating towards scholarships for students just like me. I give all credit to the Miss America Opportunity for leading me down this career path. As an MBA candidate, my specialization is leadership and change management. My ultimate goal is to be a catalyst for change in the education sphere and serve as the Executive Vice President of Programs for a major philanthropic foundation, creating programming for defunct libraries and title one public schools that provide students with an educationally equitable environment.

I’m so invigorated to do this work because I understand that it is not about me. It’s a vessel to serve the place and people I love, and for that I’m grateful. Throughout my year as Miss New York, I look forward to prioritizing my efforts to provide children across the 700 school districts in New York with opportunities to further their foundational literacy skills as well as utilizing my meaningful connections to raise a record number of dollars for the Miss New York Organization. Most of all, I plan to make sure that each person I interact with, whether it be through a screen or face-to-face, not only feels like they know Miss New York, but they are friends with Miss New York.

How did you hear about the Miss America Opportunity, and what was your first local title?
My high school best friend’s mom, Maria, first told me about Miss America at the kitchen table after school. I told her I was wanting more opportunities to sing, and I felt like I didn’t have a hobby I really enjoyed. Maria was a local title holder in years prior and shared with me that she knew I would love it if I’d just give it a try. Fast forward a few months later, I was crowned Miss Thoroughbred Country’s (Outstanding) Teen 2015, and I’ve never looked back. Maria is still one of my greatest cheerleaders.

How much have you earned in scholarships over the years, and how have you used your earnings?
I’ve earned just over $140,000 through the Miss America Program. In turn, I graduated from The University of Alabama on the Miss America’s Teen Presidential Scholarship completely debt free. This allowed me to save money throughout college and move to New York, where I always felt I belonged, shortly after graduation. The scholarship dollars I’ve earned since are being allocated towards my education at New York University, where I will graduate with an MBA in 2026.

What do you like to do for fun?
Is it crazy to say working out? I am a spin enthusiast! Throughout college, I worked at a small cycling studio on campus and fell in love with the supportive community, beat based rhythm cycling that felt like dancing on the bike, and the outlet it gave me to wash away all anxieties and stressors from the day and just have fun! I have weekly catch-up walks with friends that we are religious about keeping on the calendar. There’s nothing better than getting your heart pumping with your besties. I’m also a fan of hot yoga because who doesn’t love sweating the day away in a child’s pose?

If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Hands down Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. My favorite quote of all time is from Jo March, and it says, “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship”. Jo has reminded me to remain fearless in pursuit of my dreams, even if those dreams seem too crazy or out of reach. She lived a life different from what was expected of her, and her courage is empowering. I buy a new copy of Little Women each time a new chapter in my life begins to earmark the beginning of my new adventure. In fact, I just bought a new copy as I start my year as Miss New York.

What are a few items you always keep in your bag?
My current obsessions, and things that always remain in my massive Mary Poppins bag, are the Summer Friday’s lip balm in sweet mint, a USB-C cord to charge both my phone and laptop, Nerd’s gummy clusters (I cannot get enough of them), my Owala water bottle, grape electrolytes, and a green Sharpie gel pen.

What’s your tip for ensuring the judges get to know the real you in the interview room?
I will always and forever stand by the mantra that you do not need to show the judges who you think they want to see. Be you. Nothing that is meant for you will ever pass you by! As a glimpse into my Miss New York interview, I talked about the hard hitting topics, stating my opinion and outlining why I’d serve well in this job, but I also sang “Bring Em Out” by T.I., talked about watching my favorite movies with my best friends, and told the most horrible dad joke they’ve probably ever heard. The world needs more “yous”. You are perfectly unique, and that’s what makes you so amazing!